#v1.9.3 (2019.03.18)
- fixed the issue in flipping cube
- fixed some bugs
#v1.9.2 (2019.03.11)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.9.0-1 (2019.03.07)
- partially changed UI design
- added "Recently installed" for the temporary sort of the app drawer
- better notifications panel opening up when long-pressing the tile with notifications
- added "Clear notifications" in launch options for app tile
- added "Disable thumbnail animation" in the extra options of Live contact widget
- added "Double tap timeout" in Key & gestures options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.8.6 (2018.12.14)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.8.5 (2018.12.12)
- supports swipe-down to close the app drawer, contacts and folders
- fixed some bugs
#v1.8.4 (2018.12.01)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.8.3 (2018.11.28)
- fixed photo orientation issue when using Daily wallpaper
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.8.2 (2018.11.23)
- Daily wallpaper is applied only to the desktop (not lock screen)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.8.0-1 (2018.11.21)
- better notification icons on the tile for missed calls and some messaging apps ("Use notification icon" option should be on)
- supports tile size adjustment in half-size
- new built-in widgets: RAM circle, Storage circle, SD card circle
- added "Daily wallpaper" in the behavior & UI options
- added "Items per tile" in extra options of Event calendar widget
- added some options for storage and sdcard usage in extra options of System monitor widget
- fixed some bugs and optimization
#v1.7.15 (2018.10.15)
- made some improvement in counting notifications
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.14 (2018.10.11)
- removed "missed calls" and "unread messages" from the notification on tile options to comply a new Google permission policy
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.13 (2018.09.04)
- works better on Android 9.0
- fixed errors dealing with notch for Android 8.0+
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.11-12 (2018.08.26)
- fixed errors in handling app shortcuts for Android 8.0+
- support exporting backup to sdcard for Android 7.0+
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.9-10 (2018.07.28)
- optimized and fixed some bugs
#v1.7.8 (2018.07.24)
- changed the menu bar design for App drawer/Contacts
- supports quick scrolling by sliding on the side edge of App drawer/Contacts
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.7 (2018.07.10)
- all permissions can be disallowed
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.6 (2018.06.22)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.4~5 (2018.06.07)
- supports Ukrainian
- RTL layout support
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.3 (2018.06.01)
- screen tilt affects the refraction tile effect
- added "label" option for flash light widget
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.2 (2018.05.28)
- fixed drawing error of the refraction tile effect
- fixed some bugs
#v1.7.0~1 (2018.05.25)
- partially changed app design
- added "Number of smart picks" in the app drawer options
- added "Colors from wallpaper" in the tile size and style options
- new color pallet value in the tile size and style options: "From wallpaper"
- new tile background effect: "Refraction"
- added "Launch options" in tile options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.8 (2018.04.30)
- fixed the bug on the menu bar for the app drawer and contacts page
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.7 (2018.04.26)
- added "Menu bar alignment" in the App drawer/Contacts options.
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.6 (2018.04.13)
- resolved the orientation issue on Photo slide widget
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.5 (2018.03.29)
- added "Text size" option for the list type of app drawer/contacts page
- supports "Android for work" feature for widgets
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.4 (2018.03.23)
- added "Grayscale" in the extra options for photo slide widget
- resolved the issue for counting unread Gmails
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.3 (2018.03.13)
- added "Random pick" in the extra options for photo slide widget
- added "Hide date" in the extra options for event calendar
- fixed the bug counting "Missed calls"
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.2 (2018.03.08)
- added "Keep photo centered" in the extra options for photo slide widget
- made "Use notification icon" work properly
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.1 (2018.03.07)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.6.0 (2018.03.06)
- new built-in widget: Event calendar
- better animation for photo slide widget
- added "Group" menu for contacts page
- newly organized "Notification on tile" options
- added "Long-click bubble" in the tile size & style options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.5.6 (2017.11.29)
- fixed the crash of Flash widget on some devices
- fixed some bugs
#v1.5.5 (2017.11.22)
- fixed some crashes on Oreo
- added "Hide scroll bar" in the behavior & UI options
- added "Sort order in folder" in the app drawer options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.5.4 (2017.11.17)
- Applying Google best practices for using accessibility services permissions
- fixed some bugs
#v1.5.3 (2017.11.09)
- removed some lags and battery drain
- fixed some crashes
- fixed some bugs and optimized
- quick bug fix
- supports Swedish, Chinese(Taiwan)
- supports "Android for work"
- added "Aggressive animation" in the behavior & UI options
- fixed some bugs and optimized
- supports Dutch
- added "cube icon" in the "tile size & style" options
- fixed some bugs
- supports creating a shortcut from outside by another app in Android 8.0
- fixed some bugs
- added "disable all tile effects" in the extra options of Android widget
- fixed some bugs
- removed annoying animations of full image tile
- fixed the error in backup center on Huawei devices
- fixed some bugs
- better event time format in calendar widget
- fixed some bugs
- added "do nothing" launcher action
- fixed some bugs and optimized
- supports a label for divider
- added many options for divider in "tile size & style" options
- added "floating button color" option for the app drawer and contacts
- added "grouped item" option for contacts
- fixed some bugs
- minor fix in UI
- fixed some bugs
#v1.4.5 (2017.06.23)
- supports Portuguese (Portugal)
- added "count on badge" and "text shadow" in "tile size & style" options
- added "hide menu bar" option for app drawer and contacts
- fixed some bugs
#v1.4.4 (2017.06.09)
- added "contacts to display" in "contacts" options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.4.3 (2017.06.05)
- added "2x2 layout" in the extra options of live contacts
- fixed some bugs
#v1.4.1~2 (2017.05.31)
- new widget: "live contacts"
- shows quick scroll panel when tapping a header tile in the app drawer
- added "dark UI" in "behavior & UI" options
- added "force app color" in "tile size & style" options
- added "label" and "timezone" in the extra options of digital clock
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.3.9 (2017.05.12)
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.3.8 (2017.05.01)
- supports Chinese(China) and Hungarian
- supports app shortcuts for Android 7.1
- fixed some bugs
#v1.3.7 (2017.04.17)
- new design for some UI
- well applying system theme colors
- added "elastic scroll" option in behavior & UI options
- able to disable "use search index" in app drawer and contacts options
- supports fingerprint authentication on password input
- fixed some bugs
#v1.3.6 (2017.04.04)
- supports Turkish
- elastic over-scroll effect on vertical scrolling
- fixed some bugs
#v1.3.5 (2017.03.23)
- increased max tile size to 10
- supports dynamic calendar icon
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.3.4 (2017.03.11)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.3.3 (2017.03.08)
- added "always open on new window" option for tile group
- fixed some bugs
#v1.3.2 (2017.03.07)
- added "2x2 layout" option for tile group
- fixed some bugs
#v1.3.1 (2017.03.06)
- fixed the crash on opening a tile group in cube
#v1.3.0 (2017.03.06)
- better user experience for the tile group and folder
- added "icon" and "full image" in app folder options
- added "full image on folder" in app drawer options
- added more tile foreground effects
- added "animation off" and "fast" for app launch animation and enter animation
- better sorting order for search result
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.2.7 (2017.01.20)
- quick bug fix
#v1.2.6 (2017.01.20)
- added "Quick setup wizard"
- added "long-click action" option for Android widget
- added "event location" and "event description" options for calendar widget
- fixed some bugs
#v1.2.5 (2017.01.16)
- added "hide AM/PM" option for analog clock widget
- added more tile foreground effects
- fixed some bugs
#v1.2.4 (2017.01.06)
- added "open power dialog" for launcher action
- removed audio record permission and voice input when editing text
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.2.3 (2017.01.02)
- added "long-press action" for tile group
- added more tile foreground effects
- fixed some bugs
#v1.2.2 (2016.12.29)
- a new tile foreground effect
- fixed some bugs
#v1.2.1 (2016.12.28)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.2.0 (2016.12.27)
- new tile type: "Cube"
- new widget: Flashlight
- new options in "tile size & style" options:
"shadow", "rounded" and "enable blank style"
- new options in "behavior & UI" options:
"one hand mode" and "hidden apps lock"
- now "tile background effect" is free
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.1.24 (2016.12.04)
- quick bug fix for Android 4.4 or lower versions
#v1.1.23 (2016.12.04)
- resolved some security issues
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.1.22 (2016.11.04)
- changed UI of backup center and image/font selection for Android TV
- fixed the bug in scrolling app folder
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.21 (2016.11.01)
- resolved "spring up" animation issue on unlock screen
- change the name of tile effect "hollow" to "transparent"
- added "opacity" option for Android widget tile
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.20 (2016.10.26)
- new app launch animation: "sink down"
- added "enter animation" in behavior & UI options
- added "uniform icon size" in icon style options.
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.19 (2016.10.14)
- removed light reflection effect when coming back
#v1.1.18 (2016.10.14)
- supports GIF images
- add 2 new animations for "app launch animation" in "behavior & UI" options
- removed scrolling lag while photo show animation
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.17 (2016.10.11)
- quick bug fix
#v1.1.16 (2016.10.11)
- works better on Android 7.0 (Nougat)
- added some animation effect for selecting tile
- improved usability
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.1.15 (2016.09.22)
- "half" size is available for tile
- allowed "tiny" and "half" size for some widgets
- added "label visibility" in tile size and style options
- added "disable item menu" in app drawer options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.14 (2016.09.14)
- fixed tile label visibility issue
#v1.1.13 (2016.09.13)
- supports Spanish
- supports talkback
- resets 5 seconds delay for KLWP
- added a visual effect for long-pressing tile
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.12 (2016.09.01)
- quick bug fix
#v1.1.11 (2016.09.01)
- added "long-click action" option for tile
- added "icon" option for tile group
- tapping empty erea on live wallpaper works properly now
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.1.10 (2016.08.22)
- new launcher actions: app search, contact search, search
- added "scale" option for Android widget tile
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.1.9 (2016.08.03)
- added "family name first" option for contacts
- swipe down on empty area in search panel for multi-letters search
- fixed the coloring issue for tile group
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.8 (2016.07.29)
- support multiple letters search in app drawer & contacts
- added "title color" option in behavior & UI
- added "label" option for tile group
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.7 (2016.07.15)
- supports French
- new widget tile: compass
- new launcher action: screen lock
- launcher action can be added as a tile
- smoother 3D effect for horizontal scrolling when tablet mode is on, but it works no more for "hollow" effect.
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.6 (2016.06.28)
- supports Finnish
- faster animation
- changed the default style for app drawer and contacts
- added "dark icon on status bar" option in "animation & UI" options (only for Marshmallow)
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.1.5 (2016.06.18)
- supports half position and size (tiny) of tile
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.4 (2016.06.10)
- added "Interval" option for photo slide widget
- added "background color" and "app launch animation" option in behavior & UI of the home options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.3 (2016.05.26)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.2 (2016.05.25)
- bug fix in D-pad navigation
- bug fix for notification on tile
- fixed some bugs
#v1.1.1 (2016.05.23)
- supports Polish
- supports Android TV (full support D-pad navigation)
- usability improvement
- added extra options for app tile:
"wide(2:1) banner" option (only for apps supporting it)
- added "grayscale" effect for tile background effect
- new options for tile group: disable thumbnail animation
- new options in the home options:
"save battery & data", "menu lock", "disable notification text" in behavior & UI
"tile size wizard" in tile size & styles
"vertical search panel" in app drawer and contacts
"TV apps" in app drawer
"swipe to the left", "swipe to the right" in key & gestures
- shows action panel when long-pressing a tile with notifications on edit mode off
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.15 (2016.04.19)
- "list type" options for app drawer and contacts are now free
- added "show name on photo" option for contacts
- added "disable 3D animations" option for photo slide widget
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.14 (2016.04.09)
- added "show label always" option into the "tile size & style"
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.13 (2016.04.02)
- text label will be automatically hidden if not to have room enough when some options are changed in tile size & styles
- text size is automatically changed when resizing some built-in widget tiles
- changed some icons to material design
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.12 (2016.03.28)
- added "infinite scroll" option
- supports to change tile color even when tile background effect is enabled
- tile background effect is applied to the icons in the list type contacts page
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.11 (2016.03.23)
- fixed drawing issue for "hollow" effect while scrolling
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.10 (2016.03.23)
- added "battery circle" widget
- added "apps to show notifications" in "behavior & UI" options
- "3D effect for horizontal scrolling" option is applied also when tablet mode is off
- added 3D animations to "photo slide" widget
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.0.9 (2016.03.17)
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.8 (2016.03.16)
- added "categorize items" option into the app drawer
- added "customize menu colors (menu bar and buttons)" option for app drawer/contacts
- made the sorting order persistent in contacts
- fixed photo slide widget to show images in proper orientation
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.7 (2016.03.11)
- fixed the crash when "list type" is enabled for the app drawer on some tablets with large screen
#v1.0.6 (2016.03.11)
- added "list type" option for appdrawer and contacts
- supports to set a solid color or image to system wallpaper
- added "color pallet" feature in "tile size & style" options
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.0.5 (2016.03.06)
- supports Italian and Portuguese
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.4 (2016.03.03)
- supports German and Russian
- added "system launch animation" option into behavior & UI options
- added "text alignment" option into tile size & style options
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.3 (2016.02.27)
- supports full sized image for tile group
- added the "password" option into behavior & UI options
- smoother vertical scrolling
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v1.0.2 (2016.02.23)
- added typeface options for tiles and page label
- added "show battery percent" option for system monitor tile
- added icon color filter options for tile styles
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.1 (2016.02.21)
- added new tile widget: analog clock
- fixed some bugs
#v1.0.0 (2016.02.18)
- released the first regular version